It starts with the family business and the close relationship between the two brothers. Historical events are weaved in, and you read how Cristian & Samuel become part of history. The more you read, the more you’re drawn into their lives.
These events were just a brief learning period in our history class, but “To The Pastures” brings much more depth to what actually was (and still is) happening in Cuba. You’re watching a movie in your mind. Or, better yet, a very personal documentary. It’s Cuba’s version of The Greatest Generation for those who were growing up during that time.
Thank you for giving me some “WOW” moments reading this Lucy Sanchez Girolamo!
— Elaine D

Emotivo relato sobre dos jòvenes cubanos, sus lazos familiares y vivencias en una Cuba por cuya libertad lucharon y lo siguieron haciendo despues de la traicion de Fidel Castro a la Revolucioń y a la Patria.
— Luisa

Just finished “Into the Pastures” - a truly enlightening, educational, story of recent history. Should be required reading for every grammar school student. You can feel the love of the family, the anguish of their separation, the anger of their losses, the strength of their honor, and their conviction to be free of the socialism and communism of Cuba. I ache for the author’s loss, and celebrate her parents’ strength to leave their home and raise their children as Americans. READ IT!
— Lynn S

El libro nos ha interesado muchísimo y nos hemos fijado en todos los detalles. La historia es tremenda. Nos cuesta imaginar quie eso les haya ocurrido. Más bien parece algo de película.
— Carlos S.

A passionate tribute to family beautifully written, and heartbreaking to read. Kudos to you for a job well done.
— Sharon G

Desgarradora y real la triste historia de una familia campesina que fue duramente azotada por dos dictaduras: La de Fulgencio Batista (1952-1959) y Fidel Castro (1959). Si la primera en siete largos años fue criminal, la segunda, la de los hermanos Castro, sus desmanes, asesinatos, decenas de muertos en huelgas de hambre, encarcelamientos, pasará a la historia con miles de crímenes de lesa humanidad.

A los Pastos, cuya trama comienza en la parte más oriental de la isla de Cuba, nos sumerge con delicada hermosura en el corazón de nuestro campesinado combatiendo las rudas montañas, logrando convertir estas en hermosos paisajes, bastos campos cafetaleros y amplios potreros para fomentar la vida animal.

Lucy nos sumerge lentamente en la vida de una familia trabajadora, próspera y pacífica que sin proponérselo ni buscarlo, se ve sumergida en medio de las dos crueles dictaduras que han golpeado nuestra isla.

La historia que nos narra Lucy es paradigma de otras miles, sucedidas a lo largo y ancho de nuestra isla donde, inesperadamente, las familias son divididas, encarceladas y asesinadas por los caprichos de dos megalómanos que han devastado la otrora próspera isla de Cuba.

A los pastos, por amena, es una invitación a la lectura sin descanso.
— Antonio P

I just finished reading “To The Pastures “. Very moving story that gives us insight into life under a dictator and the importance and cost of strong convictions. Written with beautiful descriptions of the unique creatures that live in Cuba. Thank you for sharing your story, Lucy!
— Donna W

Her passion, dedication & her genuine concern to communicate the truth!!
— Ana G

I absolutely loved Lucy’s book. It was such a touching, heart wrenching story about family and the injustice and utter cruelty of an evil political regime. Lucy gave us such insight to the turmoil the people of Cuba had to endure. I highly recommend, To the Pastures.
— Jill P

Lucy has the amazing ability to vividly tell an incredible story.
I highly recommend her writing!
— Jodi G

I absolutely loved your book!! It was such an interesting read that I couldn’t put down! I can’t believe your family went thru all that. Your dad was such a nice man when I saw him but reading what he experienced, he led such an amazing life and to then come out of that to enjoy life with you guys!...WOW!! Fantastic work on sharing his life!!
— ‎Kathy M

I just finished reading “To The Pastures”, a story about a family trying to live in Cuba. I loved the way the characters were developed , even the snippets of Spanish laced throughout. But, learning about how bad Cuba was then, and still today, brought new awareness on my part. Congratulations to Lucy for this amazing work.
— Laura H

Many thanks for sharing your father’s story. It really humanized the fear, brutality, and oppression that Castro inflicted on the Cuban people. Your father and uncles fought bravely to overthrow this dictator and you should be proud.

Your book a wake-up call for impressionable socialist-leaning young Americans who naively idealize the Cuban revolution and murderers like Che and the Castros. Socialism is the path to communism.
— Paul C

To The Pastures takes you on a first-hand journey through Castro-era Cuba. As the reader you’ll worry about the Enriquez brothers yet root them on to be triumphant. Read To The Pastures to remind yourself of the real heros among us risking everything for their families, and their communities to have a better life.
— Teri O

My friend, Lucy Sanchez Girolamo, has published this amazing book- To the Pastures. It tells the story of her father’s fight against the Castro regime and the very sad fate that befell Cuba. I couldn’t put it down! Bravo Lucy! 👏
— Michelle R

Amazon Book Reviews

This story about Lucy Girolamo’s family is an important one that needed to be told. It tells about what her family members went through during the Castro regime in Cuba.
— Diane L

“To the Pastures” is an important book for young readers, for adults, as well as for English Language Learners. Girolamo offers wonderful descriptions of life in Cuba before Castro. Her story is based on family history that holds the truths of what Cubans endured opposing the dictatorship that continues today. The narrative is smooth and moves quickly through a decade, easy for young readers to follow. This is a good read that offers an important history lesson.
— K P